Jaguar OS X skin for Launcher Plus

This is the first time i try to make a skin for ANYTHING and I think its cool :)

if anyone wants the PSD and BMP files for this skin so you can work on your own version you can download it from below. I actually encourage people to copy this skin and improving on it. i dont want any credit, just buy something off apple and quicktap if you havent already..

if some one can improve on this please email me a copy so i can install it on my clie. This is a HiRes 320x320 version and LowRes 160x160. If anyone can make one for the other versions email it to me and i will post it here. Robin van Schuilenburg did the Low Res version. My email is

anyway enjoy the skin

File to Download

  • the skin HiRes 320x320 and LowRes 160x160

    Other Files
  • skin files for editing (PSD, BMP * Skn)
  • program to edit skins

  • incase you dont have LauncherPlus you can buy it from
    incase you dont have an Mac buy one from here :)