A Man In Black
These are mysterious strangers (mostly but not always male) who visit some of the people who have had UFO sightings or contacts. Their intention seems to be to suppress UFO reports and remove any evidence collected by witnesses, using intimidation to achieve this on occasion. They are generally described as being smartly dressed in dark colors and driving old but pristine cars. MIBs tend to travel in groups of 2-3 and often have apparently official ID cards from various agencies who deny any knowledge of them. Those who have been visited by MIBs have often told of their strange behaviour such as lack of emotion, stilted movements and their habit of wearing make-up, particularly lipstick. Reports of them peaked in North America during the early years of UFO research but they have appeared since then and in other parts of the world. Some believe them to truly be government agents whilst their weird appearance and manner has led other to think they are aliens.
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